Vue Currency Component
A component for entering dollar and cents values
read time:3 mins
Here is a Vue 2 component for entering dollar and cents values that I wrote a couple days ago that I’m pretty proud of. When you click in the input and type a number it shows “0.xy”. And so on, so if you type “123456789”, it displays “$1,234,567.89”. When anything but a number is typed, it is ignored. But it correctly handles inputs like arrow keys, delete/backspace, command/control + a, etc.array and use Javascript’s some
or every
v-on:input="$emit('input', updateCurrencyStr($event))"
import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
props: ['value'],
setup() {
const input = ref(null)
return {
methods: {
discardIllegalEntries(evt) {
if (this.isIllegalEntry(evt)) {
isIllegalEntry(evt) {
if (evt.altKey || evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey) return false // we don't care what's pressed if alt, ctrl or command are also held down
const keyCode = evt.keyCode
const is58To90 = keyCode > 57 && keyCode < 91 // 58-90 are punctuation, math symbols and letters
const is106To111 = keyCode > 105 && keyCode < 112 // 106-111 are math operation symbols
const is160 = keyCode === 160 // 160 is ^ symbol
const is163To165 = keyCode > 162 && keyCode < 166 // 163-165 are currency symbols
const is169To173 = keyCode > 168 && keyCode < 174 // 169-173 are copyright, trademark, registered, section, dash
const is186To223 = keyCode > 185 && keyCode < 224 // 186-223 are punctuation, symbols, math symbols
const is226 = keyCode === 226 // 226 is < symbol
const isShiftPlusNumber = evt.shiftKey && this.isNumber(keyCode)
const illegalEntries = [is58To90, is106To111, is160, is163To165, is169To173, is186To223, is226, isShiftPlusNumber]
const isEntryIllegal = illegalEntries.some(Boolean) // are any vals in array truthy,
return isEntryIllegal
isNumber(keyCode) {
return keyCode > 47 && keyCode < 58 || keyCode > 95 && keyCode < 106
// @param rawCurrencyInt: 6327397 would represent $63,273.97
// @return allButLastTwoWithCommas: '63,273'
dollarsStrFromRawCurrencyInt(rawCurrencyInt) {
const allButLastTwo = rawCurrencyInt.toString().slice(0, -2)
const addCommasRegex = /\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g
const allButLastTwoWithCommas = allButLastTwo.replace(addCommasRegex, ',')
return allButLastTwoWithCommas
// @param rawCurrencyInt: 6327397 would represent $63,273.97
// @return lastTwo: '97'
centsStrFromRawCurrencyInt(rawCurrencyInt) {
const lastTwo = rawCurrencyInt.toString().slice(-2)
return lastTwo
currencyStrFromDollarsAndCents(dollars, cents) {
return `$${dollars}.${cents}`
currencyStrFromRawCurrencyInt(rawCurrencyInt) {
const dollars = this.dollarsStrFromRawCurrencyInt(rawCurrencyInt)
const cents = this.centsStrFromRawCurrencyInt(rawCurrencyInt)
return this.currencyStrFromDollarsAndCents(dollars, cents)
// @param currencyStr: '$63,273.97'
// @return rawCurrencyInt: 6327397
rawCurrencyIntFromCurrencyStr(currencyStr) {
if (currencyStr === '')
return ''
return parseInt(currencyStr.replace(/[^\d]/g, ''))
// @param changedCurrencyStr: '$63,273.397'
// @return fixedCurrencyStr: '$632,733.97'
updateCurrencyStr(evt) {
const changedCurrencyStr =
const strLenAtStart = changedCurrencyStr.length
const cursorPosition =
const rawCurrencyInt = this.rawCurrencyIntFromCurrencyStr(changedCurrencyStr)
let correctedCurrencyStr = ''
switch (rawCurrencyInt.toString().length) {
case 0:
case 1:
correctedCurrencyStr = `$0.0${rawCurrencyInt}`;
case 2:
correctedCurrencyStr = `$0.${rawCurrencyInt}`;
case 3:
case 4:
correctedCurrencyStr = this.currencyStrFromRawCurrencyInt(rawCurrencyInt)
correctedCurrencyStr = this.currencyStrFromRawCurrencyInt(rawCurrencyInt)
setTimeout(() => {
const strLenAtEnd = correctedCurrencyStr.length
const cursorPositionOffset = strLenAtEnd - strLenAtStart
const newCursorPosition = cursorPosition + cursorPositionOffset
this.$refs.input.setSelectionRange(newCursorPosition, newCursorPosition);
return correctedCurrencyStr