Quick Git Notes
Amending, Squashing & Diffing Cheatsheet
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I’ve been working collaboratively on Drivetracks with a couple people and have forced to improve my git-fu a bit and want to jot down real quick what I’ve learned.
description | git command |
change last commit message | git commit --amend |
change specific commit message | git rebase -i HEAD~3 |
add stuff to the last commit | git commit --amend --no-edit |
sqash last n commits | git reset --soft HEAD~n |
interactive squash | git rebase -i HEAD~n |
(…but keep original commit date) | git rebase -i --committer-date-is-author-date HEAD~n |
see a branch’s changes | git diff main |
see a branch’s divergent changes | git diff main...branch |
see diff between two commits | git diff hash1...hash2 |
When you accidentally make a commit on master that you need on a new branch (and you haven’t pushed it up to the remote yet)
git branch new-branch
git reset --hard HEAD~1
git checkout new-branch