Grape Ape VS Code Color Theme
My Grape Ape theme is on the VisualStudio Marketplace now
read time:1 min
Was messing around with VS Code color themes the other day and created a funky dark purple and neon green theme from sort of mixing the Tokyo Night extension theme and the Twilight Sparkle color theme found at The colors are goofy, but somehow make my (large quantity of) time in VS Code more enjoyable. It’s a dark background so easy on the eyes and although the menu tree is bright green and certain small elements are bright pink, the actual code colors are fairly low-contrast, so also easy on the eyes. When writing markdown, the font is the bright green, which doesn’t bother me as much because I’m not as intently focused as when I’m coding.
It’s not 100% perfect—one thing left to do is tweak the highlight selection color (sometimes in terminal it’s not visible at all). Also there are a lot of programming-language-specific color settings you can specify and I mostly just covered JavaScript for now.
Available on the marketplace and on github.